The Genealogical Society of Siskiyou County, California
Genealogical Society of Siskiyou County at 320 W. Miner St, Yreka, CA 96097
Location: 320 W. Miner St, Yreka, CA 96097

Mail: PO Box 1405 Yreka, CA 96097

Rose L. Hicks Brown Endowment and Memorial Fund

The Rose L. Hicks Brown memorial Endowment fund is a perpetual fund, invested for long-term growth for the purpose of maintaining and operating a genealogical research center so others may have access to the Society's collection of genealogical information and materials. Under the terms and conditions established when the fund was developed, the Society may use only the interest earned for the operation of the research center, and does not have access to the principal amount. Contributions that are made for memorials or gifts to the society in the name of the RLHB Endowment are added to the principal of this fund.

Gifts and/or memorial donations to the fund are most welcome and appreciated. Gifts to the fund help to provide for long-term income and security for the Society. Memorial gifts have a written acknowledgement sent to the families named, as well as those being memorialized are published in our Heirlines, leaving a final tribute in print for those who follow. Donors of memorials or gifts are also shown.

All donations are tax-deductible; we are a 501(c)(3) corporation.

To submit a donation to the fund, please complete the following:

Donor's Name:
Donation amount ($US): (Please mail check)
This donation is a: gift to the society
a memorial (see below)
for the following purpose:
Donation in memory of:
Please acknowledge my memorial donation to:


GSSC • The Genealogical Society of Siskiyou County, California • PO Box 1405 • (530) 842-0277 (voice mail) •